Thursday, January 20, 2011

MIA - Update on Carly...

Carly turned 4mths on the 16th and had her appointment that afternoon. She weighed in at 12lbs 9oz and was a little longer than 22inches (she started at 5lbs 11oz and 17inches). She is a shorty like her mommy right now, hopefully she will take after daddy later. Her doctor said everything looked great and that contrary to what I see online, she is actually in the 40th percentile for her weight but still below the 5th percentile for her height. Her shots went great, she actually didn't even cry for the first one, but the second one made her, but only for a second. We discussed delaying vaccinations but decided we will continue on the schedule they suggest. We also rediscussed her tongue-tie (you can see it good in this picture), seeing how we never went to the first appointment to have it clipped, we are waiting to see if we can still get an appointment at Children's and have our insurance cover it. We want to have her tongue clipped before we start her on solid foods in 2 months.

We are back in California after going to my moms (my mom realllllly misses Carly and Carly realllllly misses her NaNa) in Texas for 2months and my husband comes home from deployment in a week (I can hardly wait!!!). He is going to be shocked seeing Lil Miss Carly!!! When he left she was 7wks old and weighed 6lbs 12oz. She has doubled in size, is rolling over, "talking", eating twice as much formula, and as of this week sleeping in her crib, in her room!!!

It is amazing how fast they grow, I would like her to stop but at the same time, I can not wait until she is older and bigger and I can see what her hair will look like, what her personality will be, and see the little girl she will become.

So Carly turned a whole 1/2 a year old on May 16th!!! We celebrated with green beans (her first try) with a candle in them (of course), it was very exciting!!! It was a magic candle and apparently mommy didn't put it out well enough and put it down on the carpet starting a small fire, leaving a small hole!! yay!!! :)

At 6mths she is...

•16lbs 1oz... 24 and 3/4inches...

•She is now on solids 1x a day... has tried green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, apricots, strawberries, avacadoes... a lick of cantelope and pineapple.. and her godmother was evil and gave her a lick of homemade whipped cream
•Trying desperately to crawl... but instead rolls around everywhere like a rolli-polli
•LOVES her jumper, but too short for her walker...
•Swimming with me... going under water with me..
•Waking up talking to the entire world...
•Blows raspberries and motorboats..
•Loves pulling mine and sisters hair..
•Can growl back when someone growls at her...
•Has drank out of a sippy cup...
•She won't be crying and will be happy as can be, but the minute she sees you have the bottle will let out a wail, which is the only time she is a crier, when she is hungry...
•She knows exactly what a camera is... she will be doing the cutest thing ever, when you pull out the camera to try to catch it, if she turns and sees it, she will get this blank, almost evil stare on her face and stop whatever it is she is doing... (i have it on video, several times to prove it)
•She is her sisters BIGGEST fan... I don't think she loves anyone more than her sister...
•She has now been to 6 states; WA, OR, CA, AZ, NM, and TX
•And, my favorite, I ask for kisses, and she takes my face in her hands, open her mouth wide and pulls my face in for me to go, *MWAHS*
•She has her first boyfriend... the cutest boy there is, Seppe, no offense to you other moms...
That is all I can think for now... I love my sweet Lil Miss.... had I known my babies were going to be this special, wonderful, beautiful, great, terrific, sweet, fantastic....(I could go on for days)... I would've started popping them out years ago, haha... Can't wait for the next little one, but we will be waiting at least for another 2 years...

Carly will be 1 in 13 days!!


* is walking 100% of the time... we had to invest in 2 more gates. sometimes she takes off in an almost run, normally when I am trying to get her for something
* weighs 21lbs 4oz and is 28inches long
* says a lot of jibber jabber, hey, huh, yeah...
* has 4 teeth, all on bottom
* claps, likes to stack blocks, full-mouth kisses, obsessed with shoes and her polar bear
* sleeps in her crib for bedtime and naps, goes down without a fuss and sleeps
* gets 6oz of milk every day before bedtime with her formula..
* oooh and she has placed in 2 online pageants... in the first she got princess and the second she got princess as well as best hair/bow

Carly Alyse is now 14mths, at her last appt she was 20lbs and 29inches...

* she has had 4bottom teeth for FOREVER, she now over the last month or so has popped 4 on top as well...
* her hair is starting to curl at the bottom... (i am still hoping it will turn red)
* she has now been on a plane 2 times
* she has been to 8 different states with our travels, 6 of those were just over the Christmas vacation (it was busy!!!)
* during our big vacation she had her first visit to Disneyland!!! (it was mine and my oldests first time too)
* at disney she rode her first amusement park ride, the teacups, and many more after that!!! and she LOVED them...
* we finally dedicated her over the thanksgiving break after her 1st birthday party!! it was a busy busy 4 days... people came from WA, TX, and CA...
* she still loves food and has begun to tell us she is done eating by throwing food on the floor off her tray...
* her fav foods are peach yogurt (she will share a greek yogurt with me too), crackers, chicken, and all veggies...
* she wont let you feed her anything except the yogurt...
* she has been off a bottle for about 3-4mths...
* we are starting potty training!!! i know it is early but she is showing signs... went to check on her during naptime and she had taken off her diaper and was laying there talking, in the buff!!
* she loves her singing potty!!!
* her sister is the sunshine in her life, anytime Taylor walks in a room Carly will light up and run over to her...
* she jibber-jabbers ALL the time.... only really says mama and hihihihi and ... starting to sound like she is saying tay or sis, she walks around saying siiiiii, siiii, but she will talk your ear off if you let her...
* she is also picking up on sign language... she knows the signs for milk, more, and juice... we are working on eat and please now... you ask her if she wants milk and she will do the sign for more milk...
* she loves her doggy and kitty, loves to torture them!!
* she adores polar bears still... sleeps with a polar bear about as big as her and her polar bear pillow pet...
* she hit 1 year old and turned into a TOTALLLLLLL mommies girl!! wouldnt even go to daddy for a while, would just cry anytime he tried to hold or talk to her...
*she gives the best hugs....wraps her arms around your neck and squeezes...

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